What is sclerotherapy and what does it consist of?
It is a treatment by Vein Doctor NYC that does not require hospitalization and is minimally invasive. With the help of a micro needle, a sclerosing solution is inserted into the veins to eliminate it.
How are the sessions developed?
The sessions of sclerotherapy usually last between 30 minutes and one hour and in each of them numerous injections can be applied, depending on the area being treated. The expected results are usually achieved after two / three sessions.

Is it a painful treatment?
The patient treated with sclerotherapy by Best Vein Doctor In New York does not feel pain or it is minimal, so anaesthesia is rarely needed.
After each sclerotherapy session, compression bandages that reduce venous inflammation are applied to the patient. Again depends on each case the time of use of the bandages, although the usual is that after two or three days can be removed. In some cases, supportive stockings may be needed for approximately two or three weeks.
It is recommended by Best Spider Vein Doctor In New York, to improve blood circulation, after the treatment perform some moderate exercise and keep the legs up whenever possible if this has been the area in which sclerotherapy has been applied.
In the event that bruises appear in the treated area, there is no need to worry, as it is a normal effect and will disappear after a short time.
The sclerosing drugs used by Vein Doctor In NYC in this procedure destroy the endothelium of the vein and possibly other regions of the wall of this vessel. This damage causes inflammation; a small clot limited blood, collapse and thickening or scarring of the vessel. In the long term, the vein will be transformed into a fibrous cord, a process known as sclerosis.
Sclerotherapy does not seek the end of the thrombosis of the affected veins and tries to minimize it by limiting as much as possible the formation of the thrombus susceptible to being formed within the sclerosing vessel since this predisposes it to recanalize, in addition to the potential complications that thrombosis leads to distance.
What veins are treated by sclerotherapy?
The veins treated by Best Varicose Vein Doctor In New York can be intradermal, subcutaneous and / or transfascial, as well as superficial and sometimes very particular veins have been used in deep veins in venous malformations.
Undoubtedly the types of veins most treated by sclerotherapy are telangiectasias (called spider veins) being the elimination of spider veins a frequent reason for consultation.
So far the experience of Vein Doctor In New York has made a difference in the results. Literature review teams such as those from Cochrane have determined that more research studies are needed to agree on the optimal agent and the correct dose to achieve the best results and maximize patient satisfaction.
Results of sclerotherapy
The goal of sclerotherapy is to improve the appearance of unsightly veins and spider veins. After each session, these veins become clear, until you achieve the desired appearance. It is important to note that this treatment does not eliminate the formation of new varicose veins, but rather treats existing ones. Another positive effect of this treatment is that it will relieve the feeling of heaviness or tired legs
Article Source: http://princetonveindoctor.tilda.ws/
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